Saturday, July 30, 2011

Spotlight on Clae

It seems like I have been posting a lot of pictures of Lydia lately, so I thought I would post some of the highlights of Clae's summer.

Washing his Gator

This is how my son eats his apples...

...and his pears! (and, yes, he always lines them up so neatly like this)

He's learning to ride a two-wheeler, with training wheels of course. He's doing pretty well but we still have some work ahead of us.

He came in after riding his bike on one of our recent VERY hot days to cool off. I told him to go stand in front of the fan, he said "I'm standin' in front of this air conditioning." I couldn't see him and had no idea what he was talking about, then I saw this...funny!

1 comment:

lesa said...

hayley jo...I LOVE the picture of the apple and pear slices...those are the kind of things that you want to remember someday! :)