Saturday, November 29, 2008

Baby #2 on the way!

If you noticed our blog has a new title! Yes, we are having another baby for those of you who don't know. Was it planned?... No. Were we shocked?...Yes. Are we happy and excited?...very much! We're due at the beginning of June so Clae and the new baby will be 16 months apart. We had an ultrasound and saw the baby yesterday, everything looked good. I'm feeling much better now a few days from my 2nd trimester, so I'm hoping this pregnancy will go smoothly.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat

We took Clae "trick or treating" for the first time. We went to two houses if you consider that trick or treating. It was a really nice evening so he was a little warm in his bear costume, but he seemed to enjoy it. We didn't actually let him have any candy but he had fun playing in the bowl.

Yummy Apple

At 9 mos Clae still doesn't have any teeth, so he's kind of limited on the foods he gets to eat. It's not stopping him from enjoying this apple though, at least he can suck the juice out of it!