Saturday, August 6, 2011

Big Girl Bed

I had decided a while ago that I would not be putting Lydia into a big girl bed until she was like... I don't I mean, why put yourself through that before it is absolutely necessary?? BUT yesterday my mother-in-law had the kids for the day and I guess I had too much time on my hands or something, because I set up her toddler bed.

My reason is, Clae is going through a "scared" phase right now, so we end up staying in their room with them until they fall asleep anyway. So, I thought it would actually be a good time to start trying with her, since we are in the room anyway we can work with her while we're in there.

I'm still quite uncertain that she's ready (you can see that the crib is still set up right next to the bed, not ready to take that down quite yet) but we'll try it for a few nights and see how it goes.

Last night (night #1) she did really well BUT we got home late from grocery shopping, so she was really tired. Today at naptime she didn't do as well. We'll see, I may not have the patience to stick with it when I know kids are coming the next morning and I have to get up early, so I may give up if she doesn't catch on quickly.

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