Saturday, September 18, 2010

Garage Sale

My friend Katie and I had a garage sale at her house today. After my last garage sale I was never going to have another one again, but I thought maybe having one in Keosauqua might be more successful than having one in Stockport, so I gave it another shot.

We had several people show up in the morning, then it started raining, then our signs got destroyed by the rain, so people stopped coming. Then is stopped raining, my dad fixed our signs and people started coming again.

We both got rid of a lot, but had quite a bit left too. The worst part of having a garage sale is trying to figure out what to do with the items that DIDN'T sell. Throw away? donate? consignment shop? or continue hoarding?

All in all the day was a success. I cleared some stuff out of my basement, made a little money and had a fun day hanging out with a friend.

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