It started with presents and cinnamon rolls at home.
She opened her present so carefully, it drove Clae crazy, he wanted her to just rip into it!
My mom always made us Pillsbury cinnamon rolls on our birthdays growing up and I'm carrying on the tradition.
Lydia shares a birthday with Kirby's Grandma Brown. This year was her 90th Birthday. Just 88 years between her and Lydia! We had a family gathering at Morris Park to celebrate. 70 of her 100 plus children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren were there to wish her a Happy Birthday.
We managed to get a picture of ALL six of the grandkids on the swing, our kids plus our 4 nephews.
Lydia having fun playing on her birthday
The birthday girls, Grandma Ruth Brown and Lydia
I decided not to try to do a party at our house since it was such a busy weekend, so we went out for pizza at Pizza Ranch with Kirby's family on Saturday night.
Picking the nem nems off of her cake
Sunday evening we had a party at my parent's house. All of my mom's brothers and sister were back for the weekend so they were all there. It was a beautiful evening and we enjoyed sitting outside on the porch.
I told my sister she was in charge of the cake, this is the adorable cake she came up with.
Daddy and kids
This is what happened when we left her alone with the cake for a couple of minutes! Oops! Some people had fingerprints in their piece of cake. Oh well, it was her birthday!
1 comment:
Such fun! Her expression is so great when she sees her gift. =) Also, when I read that you sat on the porch reminded me of when we were on it and it broke! HAHAHAHA!
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