May 28, 2011
May 28, 2010
May 28, 2009

I remember driving to the hospital the morning you were born, watching all of the new baby lambs and calves out in the pastures with their mamas and thinking what a special time of year it was to have a baby.
When we got to the hospital I sat in the car and told daddy, "I'm just going to wait out here, let me know how everything goes!" Unfortunately, it didn't work that way. The process of having Clae was still all too fresh in my mind and I wasn't sure I was ready to go through that again. But ready or not the time had come, and the experience was just as pleasant as I remembered it being the first time...but it's all worth it in the end.
Somewhere in the midst of the unpleasant surgery prep, among the IVs, cathethers, shaving, etc, a nurse strapped a heartbeat monitor onto my belly, I heard your heart beating and was reminded why I was going through it all. The tears started rolling and I couldn't wait to meet you.
Finally, it was time to go to the OR. I walked this time, they administered the spinal, and I knew it wouldn't be long. Daddy came and stood next to me, and we waited. It wasn't long before we heard your cries, Daddy disappeared to go be with you and the anesithist announced to me, it's....a.....GIRL! A girl. I couldn't quite wrap my mind around it, they held you up so I could see your tiny little naked body and then took you away to take care of your needs.
I was in recovery for quite a while, it seemed, so they could monitor my vitals and make sure everything was fine. I was taken back to our room where I finally got to see and hold you. Everyone left us alone so I could nurse you. You latched right away and we got to share a few special moments together, mother and daughter.
We had several visitors at the hospital, but it seemed like we had more quiet time with you than we did with Clae. I wasn't such a paranoid first-time-mom this time, so I would lay you next to me on my bed and snuggle with you, I wasn't afraid to give you a little bit of a bottle before my milk came it, I just wasn't as stressed in general which made for a much more enjoyable experience.
I think the second Grandma and Aunt Carly heard the word "girl" they ran out to go shopping. I am not even kidding. They showed up in the afternoon with bags and bags of PINK clothes for you. You were the best dressed little girl in town!
We left the hospital on the most gorgeous day. Quite a contrast to when we had to scrape 12 inches of snow off of our car when we took Clae home. We spent the next two weeks getting to know each other. I was recovering from surgery and couldn't lift Clae yet, so Daddy and Clae spent a lot of time together, which allowed us to have some girl time.
Two years later I have a spunky, independent, little girlie girl. You love to carry your babies around, put them in their car seat and tuck them into bed. You strut your little self around the house with your purse on your arm and a phone tucked against your year. We tell Clae to eat his veggies because they will make him strong, we tell you to eat them because they will make your hair pretty. You love to have your fingernails painted, but you don't really like to have bows in your hair. Every morning when you get up you have to pick our a pair of shoes to wear around the house. And you have to do it "yourself." Whatever it is, whatever we try to help you with, you say "no, self." Your daddy and your brother adore you.
I love you baby girl, you are so precious! Happy 2nd Birthday!
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