Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Pictures of the bump with 11 days left!  I would rather not have pictures of myself in pjs posted on the internet for anyone to see, but we always forget to take one and we remembered right before bed last night.

I have cankles and my toes look like cocktail wieners.  I never swelled with the other two, but the humidity is getting to me this time.
We're getting so excited to meet this little person...and I'm very ready to have my body to myself again!

1 comment:

Kiley said...

Oooooo'Hiles! You're so cute!!! Sorry you have cankles. :( Also, I told some friends the "wwwinkle in my boit" story the other day and laughed my haid off. :) I had to tell it b/c someone in a very serious situation had asked a group of us "Where's the wrinkle there?" and I kept thinking "in my boit!" GAH! :)