Saturday, May 5, 2012

First Game

We're hoping the next T-ball game goes a little bit more smoothly than this one.  You can't tell, but Clae is having a total meltdown in this picture.  I went over to the dugout a little before it was time for him to bat to tell him it would be his turn soon.  He thought I meant it was his turn right then.  He started to walk out onto the field.  The mom of another player told him it wasn't his turn yet.  And that was the end of it.  He's a VERY sensitive little guy and that was just too much for him.  I had him calmed down before it was his turn to bat, but when he walked out to the plate he started in again.  So, we gave up for a little while until it was his turn to bat again.

The aftermath of the meltdown.  Poor Little guy.  I mentioned in a previous post that he's the youngest one one the team.  In hindsight we may have started him a little young, but there's no going back now.  Just think of how much more he'll be prepared for next year having this year to learn!
He calmed down after a while and reluctantly took his place in the outfield.  Whatever "his" place was.  There are fourteen kids on the team so they pretty much cover the whole outfield...and infield!

The second try up to bat went much better!
Base hit!
...And what's this on his face?  Is that a smile?
The team we played against was Birmingham, which happens to be Kohen's team!  They were all smiles after the game.

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