I recently came across this blog
post, about...blogging on the Desiring God website. All of the suggestions are taken from the writings of John Newton, who obviously didn't have a blog, but his letters were apparently written in a very similar style to our current blog posts. It was so nice to read a Christian article that doesn't shun social networking, but gives us practical advice about how to use it most effectively.
I have been thinking a lot lately about how incredibly small my world is. Living in such a small community makes me SO grateful for the internet and social networking. I have been thinking lately about using my blog more intentionally to reach out to people close by and far away. I have been so encouraged by many blogs and by online articles and sermons, I would like to take any chance I can to maybe speak a word of encouragement into someone else's life.
Initially I started my blog when we found out we were expecting Clae, as a way to keep people informed about what was going on in our family. I usually kept it at a surface level and for the most part kept it light hearted. Over the years I've hesitated to share everything that is on my heart for several different reasons.
One, it makes me a little nervous that I have no idea who I'm 'talking to' on any given post. I'm not that great at just blurting out everything that's on my heart to any random stranger who happens upon this blog.
Two, I am deathly afraid of sharing 'too much'. My husband is a very private person and there have been things I've told people that he is completely shocked I would share with anyone outside of our family. So, in an attempt to protect my husband, I try to keep what should be private, private. And if there is any question in my mind what-so-ever of whether or not I should share something, I don't share it That being said, I think there is also a danger of showing just the 'happy' surface stuff and not sharing what's really going on
Three, I'm no writer. I am amazed at the writing on some of the blogs I follow. There are people out there who truely have a gift (and use correct puncuation). It's so easy and enjoyable to read what they've written. I somewhat know how to write, but not at all like many of my fellow bloggers. I'm afraid I'll lose people right off the bat with my typos and grammar and puncuation errors.
Four, I don't want to sound like I'm preaching a sermon. I followed a blog for a while (a short while) of someone I know, and had to quit reading it because every post was like a sermon. I very much enjoy reading sermons from PASTORS, not from stay-at-home moms. If I'm going to read something from a fellow mom I want to hear her heart not her preaching.
It has been my goal from the beginning to present our REAL life and not try to look like we're living in some fantasy where everything goes smoothly at all times, or that I think I have all the answers. AT THE SAME TIME I do NOT want to be one of those people who, uses social media to complain about life NON-STOP. The goal is BALANCE, which is very hard to find sometimes and has made me delete many posts I've started because I feel like they may be lacking that balance.
Still, I felt like I could be doing more with my blog. As I started to reevaluate, and think about how so many fellow bloggers have played a big role in my life, in enouraging me as a mother and in my walk with the Lord, I started thinking about what I could change about my own blogging style. That's when I came across the post above which was EXACTLY what I needed to read, and gave me some practical advice about 'how to blog'. So, I'm praying that God will lay on my heart experiences or thoughts that may be, in some small way, an encouragement to someone else. That I would fearlessly (with discernment) share what He would have me to share for HIS honor and glory.