Saturday, April 21, 2012


Clae is old enough to play T-ball this year! In some ways I can't believe may baby boy is old enough to be playing an organized sport. There are about 14 kids on the team and I'm pretty sure he's the youngest one. There are some other four-year-olds but all of their birthdays are before his. He does a really good job for as young as he is. I was afraid he would be distracted not really know what was going on, but he pays attention and follows directions really well. He still needs some work in the skill departement, but that's to be expected. He's a pretty fast runner and knows all of the bases, he can catch pretty well and is getting much better and throwing and hitting. It is so darn cute to watch him out there. The first practice I almost wanted to cry the whole time because I couldn't get over how cute he was, such a big boy, but still so little. I'll post pictures sometime if I ever remember to take my camera.

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