Thursday, December 29, 2011

All Things Christmas

Our Christmas was a whirlwind as usual. Despite our efforts to try to keep things less busy we were still exhausted by the time it was all over.

This is the Friday before Christmas. Every year we get a magazine from World Vision where you can order farm animals, food, clean drinking water, or medicine for a needy families in Africa. One night, sometime before Christmas, the kids were acting like spoiled brats, so we got out the World Vision magazine to show them pictures of kids who don't have food, warm clothes, medicine when they're sick, etc, to help them appreciate all of the blessings they have in their lives. There was a picture of one little boy who was sick and didn't have medicine and Lydia asked me about him every night. "Why that little boy don't have medicine?" On Friday I was getting things ready to go to my mom and dad's and I found her on the couch looking at the picture of the sick little boy with no medicine. So, we stopped what we were doing, got on World Vision's website and ordered the little boy some medicine.

We spent the night at my parent's house Friday night and had our Christmas with them on Saturday. Kirby was taking video, but I really didn't even get the still camera out, too much going on I guess. This is the one picture I ended up getting, Kirby and Clae playing Clae's new guitar from Aunt Sissy and Uncle Brandon.

We went to my grandparent's Saturday night and then went to Christmas Eve service at our church. Lydia fell asleep while we were at church, but Clae was still going strong when we got home. A little before 11:00 Kirby and I were waiting for him to fall asleep so we could wrap the last of their presents, we thought he was sound asleep until he came riding his new scooter out to the living room! He did go to sleep shortly after that.
Our Christmas at home Sunday morning.

I told Clae to SMILE, he informed me, "this IS a smile!" Ok.

Lydia got this "rope" also known as a robe.

Before church Christmas morning. I don't know what I'm gonna have to do to get that kid to be NORMAL in pictures!

All the kids minus Lydia at Nanny and Papa's Sunday afternoon.

I don't know why she refused to join the other kids. She needs a girl cousin to play with! (or I guess a sister, yikes!)

I guess that's it. My picture taking was very random, there's just too much going on to try to be on top of taking pictures. The kids, once again, got SO many gifts this year. We try to keep it very simple at home, but the grandparents haven't quite gotten on board with us yet! We really try to use this time to teach our kids about having a spirit of gratitude and to be thankful for all that they are given. And of course to teach them about the Giver of all gifts, Jesus.

Happy New Year to all!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Photo Shoot

We had a family friend come to our house to take Christmas card pictures for our business and for each of our families. Most of the pictures I chose to put on here are because of Clae and the faces he's making. He's so cheesy and so funny!

As I was looking through the cards online, trying to choose one to send out, I was thinking to myself, these pictures are all so fake looking. Everyone's smiling and happy, looking like the perfect family. The kids get along all the time, the parents have never had a disagreement about anything, and their house is always spotless. Give me a break! Then I looked at the picture that I chose to put on our card to send out and realized it looks EXACTLY THE SAME, like we're trying to paint some perfect image of our family. So, next year I think I'm going to take our picture right when we get out of bed, with dirty laundry and dishes in the background and the kids hitting each other. Then people will know what it's REALLY like at our house. But for this year, when you receive our card, you can continue to think we're perfect, just for ONE more year! Ha!

Anyway....back to the pictures.

Cheeseball grin from Clae, and Lydia was pretty much mad the whole time. We did manage to get a few smiles out of her.
Clae winking and Lydia watching him. Her tiny face is priceless in this one too!
A different cheeseball smile.

He was getting restless at this point, doing anything he could to keep himself occupied. In this case hugging Daddy.
It looks like he's kissing Kirby in this one, but he's actually breathing on him. Clae HATES the feeling of being breathed on, so now it's kind of a joke in our family. If you want to try to annoy somone you breathe on them.
Looking like a total goofball in this one.
So, those are the many faces of Clae and the things he does to try to keep himself entertained!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Winter Fun

This Christmas season has been the most fun one since we've had kids, by far. I always looked forward to the holiday season when the kids were little but once it got here is was more exhausting than fun. I would always try to do the usual decorating, baking, etc, while trying to keep up with my regular routine, usually on too little sleep and with two little kids who really didn't care about ANY of it. Then we would try to go to 87 different Christmas gatherings, the kids would go to bed late and get no naps. Two over stimulated and exhausted kids does not make for a festive time!

This year (so far) it has been MUCH better. First of all the kids understand this year what Christmas is and are looking forward to it. They actually remember making cookies last year and asked to make them again AND helped me make/frost/decorate them which makes it so much more fun for all of us. And, surprisingly, Clae is the one who is more in to all of it than Lydia. He is right there helping me with every step in the process. Lydia just makes a mess and licks sugar off of anything she can find! It's probably an age thing.

Just the three of us made cookies one day.

This picture does not do justice to how incredibly MESSY miss Lydia was. I had to give her a bath when we were done.

Playing in the snow with Daddy. We've had just the right amount of snow, enough to have fun in, but not too much that it's a pain to try to get out and go anywhere.

He was loading the gator with snow then dumping it.

My mom, sister and I have a baking day every year, we ended up doing it this past Saturday. Clae was the big helper of the day.

Lydia, not helping, just being cute!

Sissy and I with our Mint Mocha Frappos. Yum! We usually end up kind of overdoing it on our baking day, we were both about ready to throw up by the end of the day.

We ended up making monster cookies, peanut butter balls and almond bark pretzels. I had some other things planned but I was just getting over being sick, I had thrown my back out the day before, and the kids end up not taking naps, sooooo, that meant being realistic about what I could get done and it's wasn't nearly as much as usual. But we had fun and that's the main goal.

Friday I finished up all of my Christmas shopping except for a two things I have to get. We got our Christmas card picture taken last night, need to get cards sent out then I will be able to relax and enjoy the rest of the Christmas season...all two weeks of it!