Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

Our 2nd annual trip to Kathy's Pumpkin Patch. It was just as fun as last year (in fact I think maybe it was a little bit more fun) and the weather was just as beautiful.

I tried to take some of the same shots as last year just to compare.

A sweet little preschool teacher was admiring our wagon full of cuties and offered to take our picture.
The corn box
The slide
One of the favorites, the barrel horses
The horse swings
A little playhouse. Lydia's favorite. She set the table, the entire table top was covered with plates, and she was setting food out from the little basket.
Eating lunch
Duck races
We made a spur of the moment decision to go five miles down the road to the Appleberry Orchard. The kids liked looking at all of the animals and I got some apples to make applesauce.

I could not get either of my children to look at the camera ALL day. Too much other stuff to look at I guess.
I think (hope) Clae is just itching his nose, not picking it. The end of a long day, they all got a sugar cookie for the trip home. This is our view from the front seat. Aunt Chi Chi and I took a moment to enjoy the view of all our cute little pumpkins.

Monday, September 26, 2011


So, I am curious who is reading this blog these days. My ticker at the bottom of the page shows that I get several hits every week, but not many of you who are reading are leaving comments. I opened up comments to anyone, so you don't have to be a google user to leave a message. Just wondering who I'm "talking" to when I'm writing this thing. I would love to hear from you!

(And just a confession, I have a tendancy to be a blog stalker, so I'm going to try be better about leaving comments for other people as well!)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Checking In

I haven't taken the time to blog for the past couple of weeks, mainly because our life has been a bit abnormal. Last week we "moved in" with Kirby's parent's so Kirby can get our house DONE!

We have lived in an unfinished house since we've been married. I won't say how long we've been married, but many of you came to our wedding so you can try to do the math if you want. Anyway, we moved in right after our wedding, thinking that we would work on our house little by little, which we did, but it was a lot slower process than we thought it would be, then we had a kid...then another kid...and life just...happened. Resulting in living in an unfinished house. Some days it about drove me to the edge, but most days I didn't really mind it much.

I don't really know what pushed us to our breaking point, but we decided late in the summer that Kirby would take a few weeks off and hire his dad and brother to help him and they would just get the thing done.

Last week they painted, hung trim and crown moliding, and starting installing the fireplace mantle. This week, more painting, and building the staircase railing (so we can go up to the loft without risking our lives). By the time we are done we will have carpet in the loft, all of the trim hung, window blings installed, a spare room/tv area in the loft. Right now the kids share a room on the main level, but if we have another baby someday we will have to move the big kids to the loft so the baby can have the room they are in now...someday.

I've been busy decluttering, getting stuff ready for a garage sale I'm going to have in few weeks, helping Kirby in any way I can (mainly keeping the kids out of his hair), trying to keep up with preschool activities, and maybe starting to potty train a little girl in the very near future.

Never a dull moment, but we are SO hoping that once our house is done a big burden will be lifted and we will be able to enjoy our life more and not have that daunting project hanging over our heads.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

For some reason I took very few pictures over the weekend. I may be able to come up with one or two, but I'm mainly just going to ramble...

I don't usually babysit on Friday's but I had Alyson all day.

5:30 pm
We celebrated Evan's FIFTH birthday, still can't believe he's five.

9:00 pm
Kirby had his first softball game of the weekend.

10:45 pm
Tucked the kids into bed...didn't hear a peep out of them (I can't imagine why)
Kirby stayed at the ball field because he had another game at midnight and another at 2 am.

9:30 am
Kirby took the kids to town to ride with him in the fire truck in the parade.

10:30 am
I went to watch the parade it was SO hot and both of the kids cheeks were bright red and they were so sweaty as they drove by me!

11:30 am
had a quick bit to eat, my mom took the kids to her house to nap so I could watch two of Kirby's games in the afternoon.

12:30 pm
I went home and put on a tank top because I was too hot in the outfit I was in.

1:30 pm
Went to the ball field. It rained and dropped about 20 degrees and I froze in my tank top.

2:00 pm

Kirby's team won a ball game

3:00 PM

Kirby's team lost a ball game

4:00 pm
came home and took a shower to wash the mud off of my legs and feet from standing in the dirt while it was raining.

5:00 pm
went to mom and dad's for a family gathering with my dad's side of the family. My aunt and uncle were in town, we had a nice visit with everyone.

8:30 pm
got home, Kirby had games at 9:00 and midnight.

9:00 pm

Kirby's team won a ball game.


Kirby's team lost a ball game.

1:30 am
Kirby got home from his last game. I was still up reading Her Daughter's Dream by Francine Rivers. I had read Her Mother's Hope the week before and had to run to the library and get the sequel right away. I LOVED both of these books, the first one a little bit better than the second. I got nothing else done during the two weeks I was reading them. I was so glad to finally be finished with them so I could move on with my life!

Church in the park.

Lunch and naps

Left for Old Thresher's in Mt. Pleasant to ride the train, see the tractors, and the animals.

The kids had a lot of fun. We went a little bit late and it was getting dark so we missed some of the things we could have seen, but we had a good time.

Home and in bed.

Wonderful that Kirby had the day off. He took the kids all day so I could clean the house. I got SO much done, the weather was perfect, it was a very productive, enjoyable day.