Saturday, July 30, 2011

Spotlight on Clae

It seems like I have been posting a lot of pictures of Lydia lately, so I thought I would post some of the highlights of Clae's summer.

Washing his Gator

This is how my son eats his apples...

...and his pears! (and, yes, he always lines them up so neatly like this)

He's learning to ride a two-wheeler, with training wheels of course. He's doing pretty well but we still have some work ahead of us.

He came in after riding his bike on one of our recent VERY hot days to cool off. I told him to go stand in front of the fan, he said "I'm standin' in front of this air conditioning." I couldn't see him and had no idea what he was talking about, then I saw this...funny!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Freezing Corn

Lydia and I froze corn this week while Clae was at Vacation Bible School. I didn't have a whole lot to do which was good because I didn't have a whole lot of time, but I was able to put a few bags in the freezer.

Helping me shuck the corn, or "peel" it as she likes to call it.

We like it frozen, but we still would rather eat it right off the cob!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Weekend at Pine Ridge

We spent the weekend at Kirby's parent's cabins, it was HOT but fun.

I had to wake Lydia up from her nap, she wasn't happy about it!

We didn't bring Lydia's pack and play, she has trouble sleeping when she's not in a confined space, but she did pretty well.

We celebrated Abraham's 2nd Birthday,

Played in the water,

and ATE, we're pretty good at that

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Coed Softball Tournament

Several couples from church formed a coed softball team and played in a tournament this weekend. It was a single elimination tournament and they were..."singley eliminated", but they did an awesome job for their first time playing together.

I am the only spouse who does not play because...I just don't do such things. I am not super athletic to begin with and if I were going to attempt to play a team sport it would not be softball. Kirby was afraid I would knock out my teeth or break my nose. We saw a girl who had a nasty swollen black eye walking around the tournament and he just gave me a look like, that totally would have been you if you would have played. I would be offended but...the truth hurts!

So, I was the team stat keeper, medic, photographer and cheerleader.

(disclaimer: you can't see it, but I have a RED tank top on under my yellow and black shirt lest anyone mistake me for a HAWKEYE fan!)

Kirby up to bat.

The men (some of them)

The ladies

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th Weekend

We spent the 4th weekend at the Butler's in Illinois. We watched fireworks Sunday night and the Daddys and big boys camped out. Monday we just played in the water and hung out...oh yah, and ATE! It was a fun weekend.

Water Balloons! It took Aunt Melissa forever to fill them up, the kids threw a few at each other and Lydia and Abraham threw the rest of them on the ground and they were gone in about 10 seconds.

Lydia "reading" to Abraham

I had to get a picture of her in her flag shirt

The camp site