Thursday (Thanksgiving Day)
We went to the Bentzinger home (my parents) for lunch. Yummy. All the usual, Turkey, Ham, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Green Bean Casserole, rolls, etc. My mom bought two pies from the Schwanns man for dessert! And I made a double layer pumpkin pie that didn't look so good (everyone called it "cow pie") but it must have tasted ok b/c everyone ate it. We put the kids down for naps after lunch, my sister and I brought back the Skip-Bo tradition while everyone else took a nap. (when I was pregnant with Clae I spend a lot of time at my parents because Kirby was in Branson and Carly and I played Skip-Bo constantly. We got to a point where we were SO sick of it we quit playing but two years have gone by, so we were ready to play again. It had been so long since we had played we had to google the directions to remember how to play!)
We went to the Cass home (Kirby"s parents) for dinner. Yummy again. Jeffrey smoked a turkey, twice baked potatoes, strawberry pretzel salad, homemade amish rolls, etc. And pies, pies, pies, my MIL is a great pie maker. After dinner activites at the Cass's usually consist of crowd control with 6 kids 4 and under there isn't much else you can do. We ended up staying until 9:30 b/c our kids were being so good. This is rare, usually after a long day like that they would be melting down but they were great the whole day. What a blessing!
My sisters in law came over and we had a baking day. We made casseroles and candy. We ended up with lasagna, meatballs, scallopped potatoes, almond bark pretzels, peanut clusters and mint oreo truffles. We've never done anything like that before, just the three of us with no kids. It was a lot of fun.
Kirby's and my 6th Anniversary. We took the kids to Carly and Brandon's in the morning and went to Iowa City to Christmas shop. We got most of our shopping done and it was somewhat relaxing since we didn't have the kids. We went out to eat at Chili's for our "romantic" anniversary dinner and were home to get the kids by 8:00. The kids did great at Brandon and Carly's. At one point during the day Car sent me a text to tell me they had made a tent in the living room and Brandon and Clae were sleeping in it. They were pretty clingy when we picked them up. I was putting Clae's pjs on when we got home and he was kind of crying. I said "why are you upset?" he said, "I'm upset pecause DON'T GO." It was a little delayed reaction to the fact that we left him all day.
Thanksgiving dinner at the Moyer's (my mom's parents). More FOOD of course. We really don't see that side of the family much anymore. We used to see them a lot but now it's only 3 or 4 times a year, so it was nice to catch up with them. Two of my cousins who are in high school brought their girlfriends for the first time. It was fun to meet them, even though I feel like my cousins should still be WAY to young to have girlfriends, but they're not. I'm just getting old way faster than I realize!
Now it's on to Christmas...
Monday, November 29, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
A Little Treat
Monday, November 15, 2010
Weekend Update
It seems like our weekends get busier and busier all the time. Sometimes it's nice but sometimes you just want a day to spend at home. This one was another busy one, here are some of the activities...
Jr. High/High School modesty/purity lock-in at our church
I was asked to help with this event but I didn't really know what I was getting myself into. Most of the girls were 11 or 12 and we had just a few high schoolers. It's been a LONG time since I've spend any amount of time with jr high girls and a much longer time since I was in jr high myself. It ended up being really fun. The ladies in charge had lots of activities planned. Hair stylist came to do hair, we painted nails, ate snacks, and had a fashion show. During the fashion show we talked about appropriate, modest dress and talked a little bit about appropriate behavior with boys. I left at midnight but everyone else stayed until 9 AM! Some of them slept for an hour some didn't sleep AT ALL. I heard many stories of the crazy things they did after I left. It got a lot more wild than my multi colored fingernails and clothes pin "up do". Our hope is that a seed was planted in these young girls and that they know some women they can come to if they are struggling with anything. Most of them do not have a lot of guidance at home so we're doing our best to fill in where positive influence may be missing in their lives.
Turned out to be less eventful than we thought. It was a very cold and windy day. There was an event planned here in town where horses were going to be pulling plows or something...I honestly don't understand totally the point of it, but Kirby had planned to take Clae to it because he loves stuff like that. Clae was looking so forward to it and talked about it all week. "is today the horsie thing?" So, finally the day came for the "horsie thing" and it was such an nasty day buy Kirby and Clae went because I knew we would never hear the end of it if he didn't get to go. So, needless to say, they only stayed about 45 minutes. When they got home I said "oh, you're home early" and Clae said, "yah, pecause I was cold, pecause I was freezin cold." It was funny.
We all had naps because mommy was still tired from the night before.
We ran and got some last minute groceries for a baby shower on Sunday.
Baby shower for Brooke and her baby girl who will be born December 1st.
There are 5 of us in our Sunday School class (Brooke included) so we threw a little shower for her during our Sunday School class time. This is her second baby so we didn't do an all out shower. It was fun, she apprecited it and was really surprised.
Home for naps
Young married group at John and Karen's. We're going through the DVD series "Laughing Your Way to a Better Marriage" the speaker is Mark Gungor. This guy is FUNNY, but he also gets right to the heart of a lot of issues. There are seven couples is our group, we meet at our pastors house about once a month, eat a meal, watch the dvd, and have a lot of fun.
Tried to catch up from the weekend.
I just got back from Bible Study where we packed 41 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.
Now I'm going to clean the kitchen and go to bed.
Jr. High/High School modesty/purity lock-in at our church
I was asked to help with this event but I didn't really know what I was getting myself into. Most of the girls were 11 or 12 and we had just a few high schoolers. It's been a LONG time since I've spend any amount of time with jr high girls and a much longer time since I was in jr high myself. It ended up being really fun. The ladies in charge had lots of activities planned. Hair stylist came to do hair, we painted nails, ate snacks, and had a fashion show. During the fashion show we talked about appropriate, modest dress and talked a little bit about appropriate behavior with boys. I left at midnight but everyone else stayed until 9 AM! Some of them slept for an hour some didn't sleep AT ALL. I heard many stories of the crazy things they did after I left. It got a lot more wild than my multi colored fingernails and clothes pin "up do". Our hope is that a seed was planted in these young girls and that they know some women they can come to if they are struggling with anything. Most of them do not have a lot of guidance at home so we're doing our best to fill in where positive influence may be missing in their lives.
Turned out to be less eventful than we thought. It was a very cold and windy day. There was an event planned here in town where horses were going to be pulling plows or something...I honestly don't understand totally the point of it, but Kirby had planned to take Clae to it because he loves stuff like that. Clae was looking so forward to it and talked about it all week. "is today the horsie thing?" So, finally the day came for the "horsie thing" and it was such an nasty day buy Kirby and Clae went because I knew we would never hear the end of it if he didn't get to go. So, needless to say, they only stayed about 45 minutes. When they got home I said "oh, you're home early" and Clae said, "yah, pecause I was cold, pecause I was freezin cold." It was funny.
We all had naps because mommy was still tired from the night before.
We ran and got some last minute groceries for a baby shower on Sunday.
Baby shower for Brooke and her baby girl who will be born December 1st.
There are 5 of us in our Sunday School class (Brooke included) so we threw a little shower for her during our Sunday School class time. This is her second baby so we didn't do an all out shower. It was fun, she apprecited it and was really surprised.
Home for naps
Young married group at John and Karen's. We're going through the DVD series "Laughing Your Way to a Better Marriage" the speaker is Mark Gungor. This guy is FUNNY, but he also gets right to the heart of a lot of issues. There are seven couples is our group, we meet at our pastors house about once a month, eat a meal, watch the dvd, and have a lot of fun.
Tried to catch up from the weekend.
I just got back from Bible Study where we packed 41 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.
Now I'm going to clean the kitchen and go to bed.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Trick or Treat Pictures
These are the best pictures I could come up with of the kids' trick or treat costumes. They are not very good, but I was having a hard time getting either one of them to sit still and Lydia was just plain MAD about that bonnet.
They're supposed to be little pioneer kids. Clae is not supposed to be Daniel Boone or Davey Crockett or anybody like that, I just wanted to dress Lydia up in her dress and bonnet and wanted his outfit to go along with her's. I threw his outfit together from what we already had and that's what I came up with.
Kirby's aunt Karyl made the dress for Lydia. She told me a while ago she was going to make her a dress but I had no idea what it was going to look like. We came home from church one Sunday and it was waiting for us at home. It is the sweetest dress and the pictures don't do it justice. A lot of work went into making it, Karyl is an amazing seamstress. The bonnet came from The Dutchman Store, it's a store near here that specializes in bulk candies, baking goods, spices, and fabric, etc. We go there often and one time when I was there I had seen this bonnet, I tried it on Lydia and thought it was so cute but at the time had no reason to buy it. So, when I got the dress from Karyl I knew I had to get the bonnet. SO that is the story behind Lydia's costume.
For Clae's costume I just wanted him to look like a little pioneer boy to go along with Lydia. I had almost everything already, except for the suspenders which I got at the Dutchman Store also. Larry had gotten him the coonskin hat one time when they were on a trip. And the rest was just clothes I had in his closet.
It's really funny how much effort I put into dressing them up and figuring out their costumes because we went trick our treating at about three houses. I guess it's just fun to look back on the pictures in later years and see what they were dressed up as.

They're supposed to be little pioneer kids. Clae is not supposed to be Daniel Boone or Davey Crockett or anybody like that, I just wanted to dress Lydia up in her dress and bonnet and wanted his outfit to go along with her's. I threw his outfit together from what we already had and that's what I came up with.
Kirby's aunt Karyl made the dress for Lydia. She told me a while ago she was going to make her a dress but I had no idea what it was going to look like. We came home from church one Sunday and it was waiting for us at home. It is the sweetest dress and the pictures don't do it justice. A lot of work went into making it, Karyl is an amazing seamstress. The bonnet came from The Dutchman Store, it's a store near here that specializes in bulk candies, baking goods, spices, and fabric, etc. We go there often and one time when I was there I had seen this bonnet, I tried it on Lydia and thought it was so cute but at the time had no reason to buy it. So, when I got the dress from Karyl I knew I had to get the bonnet. SO that is the story behind Lydia's costume.
For Clae's costume I just wanted him to look like a little pioneer boy to go along with Lydia. I had almost everything already, except for the suspenders which I got at the Dutchman Store also. Larry had gotten him the coonskin hat one time when they were on a trip. And the rest was just clothes I had in his closet.
It's really funny how much effort I put into dressing them up and figuring out their costumes because we went trick our treating at about three houses. I guess it's just fun to look back on the pictures in later years and see what they were dressed up as.

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