More commonly known as Trick or Treat :). Clae was a lion, we had a little bit of trouble getting him into his costume but after a while he loved it. (the costume was also a lot cuter before mommy washed...and dryed it. oops.) And Lydia was a little lady bug. So cute.
I was putting groceries away the other day, I was standing by the fridge and Clae was on the other side of the island so I couldn't see him. He kept saying "eggs, eggs". I had gotten eggs so I didn't think much of it. When I finally went and checked on him ALL dozen eggs were laying out on the tile floor! He had taken them all out of the carton and he was counting them, "one, two, free, TIN". Not a single one was broken. I couldn't believe it. Oh my.
Every Morning Clae watches Sesame Street and He started recently saying "by 'er" while he was watching, which translated is "by her" he wants to sit by her (Lydia) while he watches Sesame Street. So, I've started putting her seat in front of the TV and they watch their little show together.
Clae is reading his morning paper. Kirby picks up these advertisements that have hundreds of pictures of tractors in them and Clae looks at them for hours. "Tractor, tractor, loader tractor, 4 wheeler, gator, tractor, tractor, tractor...."