Friday, August 7, 2009

Play Group

My friend Amy and I are attempting to start a play group. We had our first one yesterday. It was quite eye opening for me. Clae has never been around many kids younger than he is or many girls, he mainly just plays with his cousins (who are boys) and kids in the nursery who are mostly older than he is. So, our first experience being around younger kids and girls was...interesting. Audra, Amy's daugher, is a few months younger than Clae. I think he liked having someone so close to his size because he just wanted to hug her and kiss her, and hug her and kiss her, she however was not so interested in all the affection. He was pretty much a wild man the whole time and I was worn out by the time we got home. That put an end to mom's illusion that he's a perfect angel, which is part of the purpose of play group, for my kids to learn how to interact with other kids. So, it was quite a learning experience. I hope they let us come back next time!

Pictures of Clae and Lydia

Just a few pictures I wanted to share since I haven't posted many pictures of Lydia yet.

Our family with Pastor John at Lydia's dedication.

Clae loves his baby sister. He loves to hug and kiss her, and she smiles at him bigger than she smiles at anyone else.

So sweet.

Clae at the pool. At this moment he was choosing to play with his trucks instead of swim.

Tired little girl.

This is right after she got her shots. Not a fun time for either of us. For some reason I didn't think it would be as bad with her as it was with Clae. Wrong. I guess I'll be more prepared next time.

Family picture at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Clae with aunt sissy. He loves his aunt sissy, although I think we're going to have to think of another name for her since he has a sissy of his own now.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Quick Update

Sorry it's been so long since I last posted. Lydia quickly went from a baby who slept all of the time to a baby who cried all of the time! So, for about 4 weeks that consumed all of our spare time, not to mention the fact that we have a very busy toddler who still needs LOTS of attention.

Lydia is finally doing better. We think she had a bit of colic, and at 3 weeks she had an ear infection and a sore throat. Poor little thing, no wonder she was fussy. Clae has hardly been sick a day in his life, so having a sick baby wasn't something we were used to. She's doing great now, cooing and smiling like Clae did at her age. She's becoming a lot of fun.

Since my last post Clae and Lydia have a new cousin, Abraham David Cass, he's a sweetie, just 7 weeks younger than Lydia (although he's about as big as she is). Kelly, Tiffany, and big brother Kohen are adjusting well.

I'll post pics as soon as I get a free moment (maybe when my kids are in kindergarten), but tonight I'm too tired!